Radio Drama Festival

Community Showcase 2018

Here are the plays from the Creative Writing group at Beach Creative which we enjoyed at the Community Showcase. They were written by

1. Arrival in Purgatory by Jean Ramm
2. Call it Progress (1) by Jackie Cordell
3. Get Thee to a Nunnery by Sarah Weller
4. Call it Progress (2)
5. God’s Waiting Room by Theresa Partington
6. Call it Progress (3)
7. The Blessing by Jan Cook
8. Time to Go by Julia O’Dowd

They were read by Chris Ettridge and Jackie Stirling and directed by Nicholas McInerny. Peter Cudmore recorded and edited them.

Groups from Herne Bay High School, Bundle of Books, The Umbrella Group and the University of Kent worked with Sinead O’Brien to make their own radio drama pieces during the festival on the them of ghosts of Herne Bay. Anastasia Sk edited them.